

Manufacturing technology in the Japanese auto industry has been constantly improving, enabling carmakers to deliver products that are of higher quality. Initially, the technologies were used in Japan but with the globalisation of the industry today, factories all over the planet also serve as production hubs for certain models, so they too need to have the best technologies for making their vehicles.

In view of this, Nissan will make a substantial investment in advanced technologies and equipment for its factories around the world. Following an initial investment of about 33 billion yen at the company’s Tochigi Plant in Japan, the technologies will be rolled out across factories globally.

Nissan LEAF

Necessary for new generation of vehicles
These innovations will help deliver a new generation of electrified and intelligent automobiles (like the Nissan LEAF pictured above) that embody the company’s Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision, while also making production operations more flexible, efficient and sustainable. This latest investment represents a necessary rethinking of conventional car-making and tackles the structural and technical challenges of producing vehicles that will lead the industry in a new era of electrification and intelligence.

“We’re facing an unprecedented evolution in the capabilities of our vehicles,” said Hideyuki Sakamoto, Nissan’s Executive Vice-President on charge of manufacturing and supply chain management. “Our job is to make this evolution a reality by rethinking how we build cars. This will also mean shifting the efforts of our expert technicians from techniques they’ve already mastered to new, unexplored areas.”

Building the future of mobility
Nissan’s next generation of cars will be electrified, intelligent and connected. They will be ‘electronics-dense’ and use many materials which are new. This adds new complexity to design and construction, requiring major advancements in production engineering.


One such advancement is the Universal Powertrain Mounting System (shown above) developed by Nissan’s Production Engineering Research and Development Centre. Mounting powertrains in cars is a lengthy process and strenuous work for assembly line staff, who must install multiple components in sequence. Nissan’s new system uses an automated pallet to mount the entire powertrain at once.

The system measures the car’s dimensions in real time during mounting, and the pallet makes micro-adjustments accordingly. This ensures that powertrains are installed to within a small fraction of a millimetre’s accuracy. The new system is also highly adaptable. The same pallet can mount three types of powertrains (internal combustion engine, e-POWER and pure electric), and can assemble and mount 27 different powertrain module combinations.


Bringing craftsmanship to robots
Robots have the advantage of high-speed production and consistent quality, enabling faster and higher output of vehicles. However, they are not so good when there are variations and Nissan has developed certain specialist skills and processes that, until now, could only be performed by trained craftspeople. Through an intensive collaborative process, Nissan’s craftspeople and engineers have digitized parts of these delicate processes and ‘trained’ robots to perform them around the clock. This will allow the craftspeople to focus on new, unexplored areas of expertise.

Making better workplaces with robots
When robots were first used, one of the benefits was that they could do jobs that were dangerous or strenuous for humans, like welding body parts together. Robots can perform such tasks efficiently, freeing workers to perform more valuable jobs elsewhere on the line. This also improves ergonomics, making factories easier places to work.


One example is the installation of a headliner, the overhead layer of material on the inside of a car’s roof. Workers must enter each vehicle’s cabin to perform this physically demanding job. The task has become even harder as cars come with more connected features, adding to the number of devices in and around the headliners.


Nissan’s solution is to use robots to insert the headliner through the front of the vehicle and then fasten it. Sensors monitor changes in pressure and use a proprietary logic system to determine when the clips have snapped securely into place.

Lower environmental impact
Nissan is also working to reduce the environmental impact of building cars. Changes in the painting process are especially noticeable. Car bodies must usually be painted at high temperatures because the viscosity of paint is hard to control at lower temperatures. By contrast, bumpers are made of plastic, so they need to be painted at low temperatures. This requires two separate painting processes for one vehicle.


Nissan has developed a water-based paint that maintains the right viscosity at low temperatures, so that bodies and bumpers can be painted together. This will cut carbon dioxide emissions from the process by 25%. Nissan will also use a water-free painting booth that makes it possible to collect all waste paint and reuse it in other production processes.

“These new technologies and innovations are at the heart of the company’s competitiveness,” said Sakamoto. “They will be rolled out globally in the coming years, underpinning the future of Nissan Intelligent Mobility and reinforcing our status as a leader in technology.”

Nissan has developed new technology to make custom body parts faster and at lower cost


Each year, NISMO, Nissan’s motorsports and high-performance division, holds the NISMO Festival which gives fans an opportunity to get up close with their favourite Nissan racing cars and drivers. Tomorrow (December 8) will see the 22nd edition of the event at Japan’s Fuji Speedway.

This year’s event, which coincides with the 35th anniversary of NISMO’s establishment, is also a special one as it will highlight the 50th anniversary of Nissan’s legendary GT-R and Z models. To represent the GT-R, the festival will feature the KPGC10 ‘Hakosuka’ Skyline 2000 GT-R which won the JAF GP (Japan Automobile Federation Grand Prix) in 1969; the legendary Group A BNR32 Skyline GT-R; and the 2019 Super GT GT-R racing cars.

1969 Datsun Skyline GT-R
The 1969 Skyline 2000 GT-R (KPGC10) was a high-performance sedan for touring car races with the world’s first 4-valve DOHC engine for production cars. It made its race debut at the JAF Grand Prix at the Fuji International Speedway in May 1969.

2019 NISMO Festival

The festivities will also highlight the Fairlady Z – which began with the 240Z as it was known outside Japan – there will be several well-preserved examples ranging from road cruisers to fully bespoke racing machines representing NISMO’s rich history and association with the legendary sportscar. Along with a few other models, the ‘Z’ made a strong impression in the American market in the 1970s, strengthening the Datsun brand which was later changed to ‘Nissan’.

1969 Datsun Fairlady Z
The first generation Fairlady Z (S30), also known as Datsun 240Z or Z-car outside Japan, was launched in December 1969. This model was manufactured for 9 years and its global sales exceeded 520,000 units. This car was powered by a S20 inline DOHC 24-valve 6-cylinder engine which produced 160 ps.

2019 NISMO Festival

Current Nissan and NISMO cars that embody the Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision, the company’s approach to changing how cars are powered, driven and integrated with society, will also be on display, as well as the new, all-electric Formula E race car and the LEAF NISMO RC – both sporting a new kimono-inspired livery.

2019 NISMO Festival
LEAF NISMO RC sporting a new kimono-inspired livery.

NISMO Festival-goers will have a chance to experience an exhilarating Time Attack event with specially tuned GT-Rs and walk around the first ‘owner’s parking’ area, made exclusive for owners to park their prized GT-R or Z and share their passion with each other.

“The NISMO Festival is an event we have nurtured with great care,” said NISMO President Takao Katagiri, who oversees Nissan’s NISMO road car business. “I hope many of our fans, drivers, team directors, team staff and NISMO employees will join us in creating a fun day again this year.”


Nissan GT-R50 by Italdesign
The prototype Nissan GT-R50 by Italdesign will also be on display at the event. 50 unis are being made to celebrate the model’s 50th anniversary.

This Lego Nissan GT-R Nismo is what you’ll want in 2020



For nearly as long as there have been cars, people have been collecting and customizing them. Until recently, however, if owners of classic cars wanted to replace a damaged bonnet or fender on an out-of-production model, they had to search through junkyards or hire a craftsman to make a one-off replacement (which might be costly).

Now, thanks to a new technology called dual-sided die-less forming, Nissan plans to offer original specification pieces at mass-production prices. Automakers traditionally form body parts by pressing sheet metal against specially created dies. Designing and building multiple dies for each part is expensive and only pays off after stamping a large volume of parts. This is why, for locally-assembled models, many body parts are imported from a bigger plant elsewhere as the volume locally is too small to justify the investment in huge stamping machines.

Nissan factory

This basic process has remained largely unchanged since the early days of mass production of motor vehicles. It remains a stumbling block that prevents production of low-volume parts unless costs are raised.

Nissan’s new dual-sided die-less forming technology presents a compelling alternative to the investment-intensive industry norm. It does away with dies and stamping machines altogether, removing one of the most costly and time-consuming steps in auto body manufacturing.

Nissan Sunny California
Owners of old models which Nissan no longer makes usually have to search at junkyards for parts. Nissan’s new technology could make it easier for them to get the parts in future.

Two robots better than one
The process involves two robots working on opposite sides of a flat sheet of metal. By syncing their movements precisely and using diamond-tipped tools developed by Nissan, the robots can shape the metal to a high degree of accuracy and detail. Working in tandem, two robots can produce intricate concave and convex shapes that could not be created if one robot were working from a single side of the sheet.

Nissan Dual-sided dieless forming

The new technique was made possible, thanks to the production engineering expertise at Nissan’s Production Engineering Research and Development Centre, along with advancements in materials technology by Nissan’s Research Division.

“About five years ago, we started thinking about ways of forming sheet metal without relying on dies,” said Keigo Oyamada, an assistant manager in Nissan’s vehicle manufacturing element engineering department, who oversaw the project. “Our goal was to solve the cost issues related to creating dies for small-volume production. We want to put this technology to use to create spare parts for old models whose dies have already been thrown away, or potentially even to let people order custom parts from Nissan.”

Performing a 3D scan of an existing part creates data that can be used to ‘teach’ the robots to build the scanned part — although some human guidance is still required. This approach will allow Nissan to produce parts that haven’t been made in decades, simply by scanning existing examples of those parts.

Nissan production


Custom parts – in just one week
Dual-sided die-less forming can be used to create custom body parts in less than a week, instead of waiting as long as a year for dies to be designed and manufactured. The process is also inherently adaptable; it can be used to produce small and large parts alike, as well as car parts other than body panels.

For now, Nissan plans to use dual-sided die-less forming to produce replacement parts for cars the company no longer sells. Looking further ahead, the company sees potential for creating customized parts for those who are looking to add a little uniqueness to their future rides.

For assistance in obtaining Nissan Genuine Parts in Malaysia, visit www.tceas.com.my.



The BodyMindSoul Festival which is currently taking place all weekend long (29 November 2019 – 1 December 2019) at the Setia City Convention Centre (SCCC) in Setia Alam and Edaran Tan Chong Motor Sdn Bhd (Nissan Malaysia) is conducting the Nissan Nurtures Nature (NNN) campaign as part of their efforts to ‘reconnect’ back with nature. (more…)

Lego has been around for generations and with its iconic status (and Japan’s involvement in contributing countless ground-breaking innovations), we now have the Lego Nissan GT-R Nismo. Introducing the 2020 Lego Speed Champions Nissan GT-R Nismo and boy oh boy, we sure want a few of them right now. (more…)

Nissan has unveiled its all-new 2020 Nissan Sentra during the 2019 Los Angeles Auto Show. Known as their best-selling model of all time in the American market, the 2020 Nissan Sentra comes with a lot of desirable features from class-leading interior refinement, standard Safety Shield 360, seamless connectivity, to fun-to-drive performance. (more…)

The recent EE Pocket-lint Awards 2019 saw the Nissan LEAF e+ being crowned with the ‘Product of the Year’ award as well as ‘Best Car’ in a single night. Voted by the major players of the industry as well as the general public, the award ceremony celebrates the best of technologies, gadgets, and games that were released in the past 12 months. (more…)

Nissan Spain understands that when it comes to its production line, the physical wellbeing of their staff is one of their major priorities. To ensure that they get all the help they need in order to be safe, healthy, and productive, they’ve come up with a revolutionary method; exoskeleton devices. (more…)

Nissan, which can claim leadership in mass-produced electric vehicles (EVs) with its bestselling LEAF, has long experience with EVs. Though we only read about its advances in recent times, it had a running electric car called the Tama in the late 1940s which was used as a taxi. But EVs in those days had poor performance and as the technology for such vehicles was hard to develop, the manufacturers focused on internal combustion engines which became dominant up till today.

But with pressure to cut exhaust emissions drastically and reduce fuel consumption, the industry began to get serious about EVs again as the new century began. While some companies focused on hybrids, Nissan chose to focus on a pure EV and by December 2010, it launched the LEAF.

As battery and EV technology kept advancing, the performance of the LEAF kept improving and the second generation offers higher performance plus greater range. But just as with internal combustion engine cars, there is a quest to keep pushing the envelope where performance is concerned and Nissan has revealed some of the technologies that will take its next generation of EVs to a new level.

Nissan prototype EV 2019

Enhanced all-wheel drive system
Recently, it showed the media a prototype based on the LEAF with an enhanced all-wheel drive system powered by front and rear high-power motors integrated. Nissan developed the chassis control technology in-house for the electric-drive all-wheel-control system. It’s a development that brings to mind the time when Nissan introduced its advanced ATTESA all-wheel drive technology in the 1980s.

“Soon, Nissan will launch a next-generation EV that will be a true breakthrough,” said Takao Asami, Senior Vice-President for Research and Advanced Engineering at Nissan. “The new electric-drive 4-wheel-control technology now being developed integrates Nissan’s electric propulsion and 4WD control technologies with our chassis control technology to achieve a huge leap in acceleration, cornering and braking performance, on par with the latest sportscars.”

Nissan prototype EV 2019

High-output twin-motor drive
Using separate front and rear electric motors, the powertrain generates 227 kW of maximum output and 680 Nm of maximum torque. This output is complemented by the ultra-high-precision motor control which offers highly responsive, yet uncommonly smooth, acceleration. Drivers can benefit from the all-wheel-control system on nearly any road condition, heightening driving performance and confidence.

The prototype’s precision control of both motors provides unparalleled ride comfort. Pitch and dive are minimized by adding regenerative rear motor braking to the usual front motor regenerative braking. When slowing down on city streets, for example, this helps keep passengers from being shaken back and forth. This reduces the potential for motion sickness and related discomfort. Similarly, on rough, bumpy roads and when accelerating, motor control is optimized to maintain ride comfort by minimizing irregular movement.

Nissan prototype EV 2019

Independent brake control
In addition to optimizing front and rear torque allocation, the system applies independent brake control at each of the four wheels to maximize the cornering force generated by each tyre. This lets drivers enjoy cornering that faithfully follows their intentions with minimal steering.

Inside, a 12.3-inch display mounted in the centre of the instrument panel reports, in real-time, information on the vehicle control technology via a polished graphic interface. With the custom display, the test driver can better understand car’s movements and judge the all-wheel-control technology’s performance at a glance.

Nissan prototype EV 2019

Nissan prototype EV 2019

Better tracking and control
Electric 4-wheel-control technology can increase driver confidence across a broad range of road conditions. When cornering on snow-covered roads, for example, the car can faithfully trace the driver’s intended line, thanks to ultra-high-precision motor and brake control. This would greatly enhance safety for the driver as well as other road-users.

Nissan has not said when this new technology will be installed in its models but with the pace of development being so brisk, it should be within the next few years. The thing about the Japanese is that they want to make sure their whatever systems they introduce are thoroughly tested and once in the market, customers will not be inconvenienced by flaws that were not resolved before production.

Visit www.nissan.com.my to know more about the latest LEAF EV which is available in Malaysia and where to test it.


The Tokyo Motor Show 2019 saw not only one Nissan EV concept, but two beautiful specimens. The Nissan Ariya Concept was showcased side by side with another EV concept that’s meant for chic urban commuters in the form of the Nissan IMk. Just like the Ariya, the IMk concept brings all the elements of high-tech and high-performance EV into a very modern and stylish package. (more…)


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