

For many who have been in a car when it has been involved in a serious accident, the safety features that they may thank for having saved their lives would likely be the seatbelt and perhaps the airbag as well. There’s no doubt that these two safety features have saved tens of thousands of lives and reduced the severity of injuries for many thousand more.

However, just as vital to preventing deaths and reducing injuries has been the structure of the car itself. This is what has first contact with another object – a vehicle, a tree, a lamp post or even a building – and it receives the enormous forces of impacts. These forces are transmitted through the body and each the cabin where they can cause injuries as various parts are smashed into humans.

Thanks to pioneering work by a Daimler Benz engineer in the late 1940s, modern car structures have been engineered in such a way as to diminish the impact forces so they do not cause great harm. The engineer was Béla Barényi and his innovation – called the passenger car safety cell – is a fundamental feature of passive automotive safety to this day. It was patented in Germany by Daimler-Benz and described as ‘a passenger car body with a passenger safety cell’. The Patent No. 845 157, which also identified Barényi as the inventor, had the title ‘Motor vehicle, specifically for personal transport’.

The engineer was fortunate to work at Daimler-Benz which was just as passionate about safety as he was. There were other carmakers at that time who carefully avoided topics about crash safety; particularly in the post-war period, nobody wanted to be reminded about the dangers of driving. The topic was viewed as a sales killer right up to the 1970s.

Barényi’s innovation had completely changed how vehicle construction should be with regard to occupant protection. For decades, engineers had taken the approach that the more rigid the body could be made, the better the protection would be during an accident. So a tank would have been very safe – but rather impractical on public roads.

Barényi’s studies showed that that the forces generated during an impact were transferred to the occupants with hardly any prior absorption. And with no seatbelts to retrain them (airbags would come 30 years later), they would also be thrown about the cabin, if not out of it.

These findings led Barényi to find a way to have absorb the kinetic energy built up during a collision. He came up with an overall vehicle concept which consisted of three cells: the safety cell in the middle where the occupants were seated, and cells at the front and rear which were connected to it. This concept was developed some years earlier when Barényi did his own ‘Terracruiser’ and ‘Concadoro’ studies, and when he joined Daimler-Benz, he was able to realise them.

The text of the patent application explained the purpose of this design as follows: “The forces generated during a collision are […] absorbed by the [front or rear] cell section.” Later on, a catchy expression was coined for these areas of controlled deformation: crumple-zones. The safety cell that encircled the occupants and protected them from the impact forces acting on the vehicle structure also came to be referred to as a ‘safety cage’.

The 1959 Mercedes-Benz W 111 model (referred to as ‘Fintail’) was the first car to have the safety cell concept in its design.

In 1959, the safety body with its rigid passenger cell was used for the first time in a production model – the Mercedes-Benz W 111 series which had the distinctive ‘fintail’. Mercedes-Benz also increased the awareness of developers where automotive safety in general was concerned. The W 111 model also had a new safety steering wheel (also developed by Barényi) with a large impact plate and a deformable connecting piece between the plate and the end of the steering column, which was moved forward.

With new technologies, especially computer-aided engineering, the concept of the safety cell has evolved further. The impact forces are not just absorbed but also dissipated by carefully designed structural members to provide ‘paths’ around the cabin area. Nevertheless, the fundamental objective remains and that is to prevent or minimize the forces that reach the occupants. Béla Barényi received more than 2,500 patents for his inventions, most of which related to automotive innovations and enhancements.

Today’s cars have even better protection all round, not just at the front and back, but Barényi’s fundamental idea of having a strong safety cell around the occupants remains.

All-new Mercedes-Benz S-Class set to be a pioneer in safety features again (w/VIDEOS)

Vaccination does not make you immune to COVID-19 infection. You can still get infected and although you may not show symptoms, you may be spreading spread the coronavirus to others. Do not stop taking protective measures such as wearing a facemask, washing hands frequently and social distancing.

In the near future, people will be able to travel in cars without humans having to be in control. Perhaps it can no longer be called ‘driving’ if there is no human involved and it is just ‘mobility’. Such autonomous vehicles are already in existence and will grow in numbers.

In looking ahead, Mercedes-Benz also sees way into the future where there could be  new dimension of human-vehicle interaction: brain-computer interface (BCI) technology. It sounds like science fiction and it is, but some parts of the technology are already available. BCI will be a new form of machine control, perhaps not in everyday life tomorrow but in areas like medical research. Applications with BCI are considered a viable option for helping people with physical handicaps to become more independent.

Integrated with VISION AVTR
Mercedes-Benz is also looking at the possibility of BCI with vehicles and has integrated it in the VISION AVTR concept vehicle which it first displayed in January last year. It will give a preview of mind control as a new dimension of human interaction with the vehicle. This will use a BCI device attached to the user’s head analyzes the measured brainwaves and triggers a defined function. At the IAA Mobility 21 event in Germany recently, visitors were able to experience controlling the user interface in the vehicle with their own thoughts and interacting with it in real-time.

“Mercedes-Benz is setting another milestone in the merging of man and machine with the research and development of brain-computer interface applications in cars. BCI technology has the potential to further enhance driving comfort in the future, for example,” said Britta Seeger, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG, responsible for Sales. “Mercedes-Benz has always pioneered intelligent, innovative solutions to provide our customers with the best product and service experience. BCI technology works completely independently of speech and touch. This opens up revolutionary possibilities for intuitive interaction with the vehicle.”

Directly connected to the brain
The biometric interaction with the vehicle is complemented by a direct connection to the human brain. At the IAA, the first approaches to mind control based on visual perception will be demonstrated in the visionary seat mock-up of the VISION AVTR. For this purpose, light dots are projected onto the fully digital dashboard. A BCI device with wearable electrodes attached to the back of the user’s head records brain activity and establishes a direct connection to the vehicle after a one-minute calibration. The brain reacts to the visual stimuli on the dashboard.

The BCI device measures the neuronal activity at the cortex in real time. It analyzes the measured brain waves and recognizes on which light points the user directs his focus and full attention (attention-sensing interface). The stronger the focus, the higher the neuronal activity. The device then triggers the targeted function in the vehicle.

Using several functions linked to BCI technology, visitors experienced how quickly their own brain connects with the vehicle – similar to the neuronal connection between the Na’vi and the nature in the visionary Hollywood blockbuster ‘AVATAR’. By focusing on points of light, they used the power of their thoughts to perform various functions in the digital VISION AVTR worlds displayed on the dashboard: for example, generate wind, grow plants, select parking spaces to charge or turn day into night.

Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR at CES 2020

Concept vehicle developed with Disney
The VISION AVTR was previous presented at the 2020 CES in Las Vegas. It was the result of an extraordinary global collaboration between entertainment company Disney and Mercedes-Benz. The name of the concept vehicle stands for ADVANCED VEHICLE TRANSFORMATION which looks at mobility in the distant future.

The stretched ‘one-bow’ design and organic design language combine exterior and interior into an emotional whole. Sustainable materials such as vegan DINAMICA leather made from recycled materials, fast-growing Karuun (rattan) that can only thrive in biodiversity, and organic, compostable battery technology create a closed-loop economy.

33 bionic flaps on the back of the vehicle can communicate with the outside world – with and through the driver – using naturally flowing movements in subtle gestures. Instead of a conventional steering wheel, the VISION AVTR has a multifunctional control element in the centre console. By placing the hand on the control, the interior comes to life and the vehicle recognizes the passenger by their heart rate. Simply raising the hand projects a menu selection onto the palm of the hand, allowing the user to intuitively choose between different functionalities.

The biometric connection enables a completely new interaction between man, machine and nature in the autonomous-driving concept vehicle. Continuing development of the ‘Hey Mercedes’ voice assistant and the zero-layer concept of the MBUX Hyperscreen have already simplified vehicle operation. In future, BCI technology could make it possible to relieve the user even more, in order to be able to focus on the driving experience.

Mercedes-Benz puts a ‘Home Theatre’ in the car cabin

Mercedes-Benz is steadily building up its Mercedes-EQ range of all-electric models and just a few months after the launch of the EQS flagship comes a smaller version – the EQE. As the last alphabet suggests, this would be positioned in the same way as the successful E-Class as a business sedan. It will be produced at factories in Germany as well as China (at a joint venture facility for that market only).

Compared to the EQS, the EQE has a more streamlined shape with a slightly shorter wheelbase, shorter overhangs and more recessed flanks to give a sportier image. The Sensual Purity design language is reflected in generously modelled surfaces, reduced joints and seamless transitions. Besides the pronounced muscular shoulder section, the rear gets a dynamic accent with a sharp rear spoiler to give an athletic character.

2021 Mercedes-EQ, EQE 350

2021 Mercedes-EQ, EQE 350

2021 Mercedes-EQ, EQE 350

The overall body dimensions  are comparable to those of the CLS but thanks to the EVA2 architecture that is dedicated to electric vehicles, the cabin space is more generous than the E-Class (W213 model) with 80 mm more length.

Unconventional interior design
With the optionally available MBUX Hyperscreen, the entire instrument panel is a single widescreen. This determines the aesthetics of the entire cockpit and interior. The high-resolution screens merge seemingly seamlessly under the shared glass cover, integrated into the instrument panel in minimalist fashion.

2021 Mercedes-EQ, EQE 350

The 12.3-inch OLED display for the front passenger provides a personal display and control area. On it, the passenger can watch videos, TV or even wander around the internet. As a safety measure in some markets, an intelligent, camera-based blocking logic can be included. If the camera detects that the driver is looking at the front passenger display, the display will be automatically dimmed for certain content.

The vent band spans across the entire width at the top and is very slim at the same time. These extreme proportions, together with the glass wave of the MBUX Hyperscreen, create the avant-garde architecture of the cockpit. The outer nozzles feature a turbine design. They play on the theme hyperanalogue through the contrast between high-tech precision mechanics and digital, glass display world.

2021 Mercedes-EQ, EQE 350

‘Zero-level’ design for MBUX
The EQE has the latest MBUX generation, introduced with the EQS. With adaptive software, the control and display concept completely adapts to its user and makes personalised suggestions for numerous infotainment, comfort and vehicle functions. Unlike the early systems with many layers in the menus, MBUX has a ‘zero-layer’ design so the user does not have to scroll through submenus or give voice commands. The most important applications are offered situationally and contextually on the top level in the field of view. In this way, the EQE driver is relieved of certain operating steps and can focus more on driving.

The EQE will come with the Electric Art interior ex-factory. Wraparound surfaces in the side bolsters of the seats enhance body support and stand in stark contrast to the seat centre panel which has a sophisticated seam pattern similar to a fan palm.

2021 Mercedes-EQ, EQE 350

2021 Mercedes-EQ, EQE 350

If the AMG Line interior is specified, there will be sports seats. These are characterised by a slim and monolithic shape and act like integral seats. The seat surfaces are designed in such a way that they give the impression of draped-on leather covers, a technical term known as ‘layering’.

Two models initially
The EQE 350 with 215 kW plus a second model will be the initial offering. All EQE models have an electric drivetrain (eATS) on the rear axle. The later performance versions (with around 500 kW) with all-wheel drive 4MATIC will also be equipped with an eATS at the front axle. The lithium-ion battery pack consists of 10 modules and has a usable energy content of 90 kWh. The innovative battery management software, developed in-house, allows updates over the air so that energy management remains optimised throughout the life cycle.

To avoid electric shocks and short circuits, Mercedes-Benz engineers developed a multi-stage high-voltage (HV) safety concept comprising 7 key elements. Alongside the battery, part of the high-voltage system includes all components with a voltage level higher than 48V. The protection concept provides a high degree of safety when driving, both during and after a crash. All HV components are protected with to the IP 6K9K class, which means that they are completely sealed against dust as well as protected against water when cleaned with high pressure/steam jets.

2021 Mercedes-EQ, EQE 350

Special seals help to protect the HV components against water penetration. In flood situations, the components may be switched off by appropriate over-current protection measures, such as fuses. An electrical hazard can be ruled out as the HV voltages do not become accessible to the user despite water penetration and the HV system is deactivated immediately.

Integral Safety for all models
The principles of Integral Safety, in particular accident safety, apply regardless of the platform. Like all other Mercedes-Benz models, the EQE therefore has a rigid passenger cell, special deformation zones and modern restraint systems. With its new architecture for EVs, new possibilities for the safety concept were available. For example, a favourable location could be chosen for the installation of the battery, in a crash-protected area in the underbody. Because there is no large crankcase in the engine, the behaviour in a frontal crash could also be modelled even better. Internally the new body structure bears the designation ‘flat-floor concept’.

2021 Mercedes-EQ, EQE 350

The all-electric future of Mercedes-Benz

Vaccination does not make you immune to COVID-19 infection. You can still get infected and you may not show symptoms but spread the coronavirus. Do not stop taking protective measures such as wearing a facemask, washing hands frequently and social distancing.

The term ‘dual-purpose’ vehicle started appearing in the late 1970s when 4×4 vehicles got more ‘civilized’ and people began to use them like passenger cars. Then came ‘SUVs’ in the 1990s, followed by ‘crossovers’ in the following decade. Now comes another type of dual-purpose vehicle for those who find a conventional stationwagon less than suitable off-road, but an SUV or crossover is too tall and bulky.

It’s the new Mercedes-Benz C-Class All-Terrain with extra ground clearance than a regular C-Class stationwagon. It’s not a new idea though as Volvo did the same thing with its stationwagon many years ago to create Cross-Country versions that could be used in rougher conditions.

2021 Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain (BR S206); 2021Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain 4MATIC

More ‘off-roader’ look
The off-road C-Class is differentiated by a distinctive radiator grille, different bumpers, a simulated chrome guard plate at the front and rear and the wheelarch linings in matt dark grey. At the rear, there is a multi-section bumper with a chrome-plated load sill guard.

As the All-Terrain version has an AVANTGARDE exterior, the waistline trim, side window surrounds and roof railings are finished in polished aluminium. The trim on the B-pillars and the bars on the rear side windows are in high-gloss black. The Night Package is also available, changing many items to high-gloss black.

Compared to the regular C-Class stationwagon, the All-Terrain has marginally increased dimensions – 4 mm longer and 21 mm wider, the latter due to the exaggerated wheelarch linings. Of significance is the increased ground clearance of around 40 mm, which has also increased the car’s height to 1,494 mm. The standard tyres are 225/55 on 7.5J x 17 wheels, and customers can also opt to fit 18-inch or 19-inch wheels with wider tyres.

The C-Class has LED High Performance headlamps as standard and the DIGITAL LIGHT system from the new S-Class can be chosen as an option. For the All-Terrain, it includes a special off-road light. When driving on light terrain, wide illumination ensures that the driver can see obstacles sooner, even when cornering. As soon as the off-road driving mode is activated, the off-road light switches on and remains active up to 50 km/h.

2021 Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain (BR S206); 2021Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain 4MATIC

DIGITAL LIGHT has a light module with three extremely powerful LEDs in each headlamp, whose light is refracted and directed by 1.3 million micro-mirrors. The resolution is therefore more than 2.6 million pixels per vehicle. This allows almost unlimited possibilities for a high-resolution light distribution that adapts to road conditions.

However, the deciding factor is not only the technology in the headlamp, but rather the digital intelligence behind it. An onboard camera and sensor systems detect other road users, with the data being evaluated by powerful computers in milliseconds. Depending on the conditions (including references to maps), the headlamps will have adjustments made to the light distribution.

2021 Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain (BR S206); 2021Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain 4MATIC

Two electrified engine choices
Petrol or diesel engines are available. The 4-cylinder petrol engine has an integrated second-generation starter-generator (ISG) is used and can use electrical energy to briefly increased output by up to 20 bhp. The 4-cylinder turbodiesel engine is part of a mild hybrid drive system. It too has an integrated second-generation starter-generator and uses a 48V electrical system. Electrification allows the use of an electric refrigerant compressor for the air conditioning system.

As would be expected, the All-Terrain has standard 4MATIC all-wheel drive that will provide more traction and driving stability when going on rough or slippery surfaces. Up to 45% of engine power flows to the front axle, and up to 55% to the rear axle, the ratio varying according to the grip of the wheels. Together with the 4MATIC drive system is a 9-speed automatic transmission.

2021 Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain (BR S206); 2021Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain 4MATIC

Besides the usual modes in the DYNAMIC SELECT system that offers pre-determined driving programmes, there are two more modes for use when driving in off-road conditions. OFFROAD is programmed for easy terrain such as dirt roads, gravel or sand; OFFROAD+ with DSR (Downhill Speed Regulation) is recommended for somewhat rougher and steeper terrain. DYNAMIC SELECT adapts the characteristics of the engine, transmission, steering, ESP and 4MATIC, with the modes selectable even when on the move.

The new front-axle drive allows higher torque levels to be transferred with an ideal axle load distribution for driving dynamics. Moreover, this has a significant weight advantage compared to the corresponding component in the preceding series – a contribution to CO2 reduction. The engineers were also able to reduce the friction losses in the new transfer case and a closed oil circuit is used with no additional cooling measures needed.

2021 Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain (BR S206); 2021Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain 4MATIC

The suspension is basically the same as the regular C-Class, but the 4-link front suspension has slightly larger steering knuckles for addition robustness. A multi-link suspension mounted on a rear axle carrier is installed at the rear. The suspension has a passive damping system with the damping effect constantly adapting to the road surface, depending on the amplitude. Ride comfort can be improved by reducing the damping effect, and when the shocks are more severe, the full damping action ensures more stability.

Same interior as regular C-Class
The interior of the All-Terrain is similar to that of a regular C-Class stationwagon, with the occupants benefiting from the moderately increased exterior dimensions of the new model generation. Compared to the predecessor, the elbow width has been increased by 22 mm for the driver and front passenger and by 15 mm for the rear passengers. There is 11 mm more headroom in the rear, plus increased kneeroom of up to 35 mm.

2021 Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain (BR S206); 2021Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain 4MATIC

2021 Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain (BR S206); 2021Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain 4MATIC

In terms of digitality and quality, the latest C-Class interior now has highlights such as the display and operating concept adopted from the new S-Class, with a sporty interpretation. Compared to the previous C-Class generation, the latest one has a Driving Assistance Package with additional and advanced functions. These reduce driver workload in day-to-day situations, for more comfortable and safe driving.

The C-Class All-Terrain will have its official global debut at the International Motor Show in Munich, Germany next month, with the first cars reaching showrooms later this year.

2021 Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain (BR S206); 2021Mercedes-Benz C-Class All Terrain 4MATIC

Mercedes-Benz EQC 4×4² proves e-mobility can go further off-road

For those who prefer the sleekness of a coupe and are okay with two less doors, Mercedes-Benz Malaysia now offers the new E-Class Coupe with E 300 AMG Line specification. Priced from RM495,071.47 (without insurance and with sales tax exemption till the end of 2021), it has a 2-litre 4-cylinder petrol engine with 258 ps/370 Nm output, mated to a 9G-TRONIC transmission.

Updated front end
While continuing the classic coupe form with signature AMG Line styling elements, the front end is updated with a new diamond radiator grille with pins in chrome. A new highlight of the muscular rear section is the completely redesigned inner workings of the two-piece taillights.

New E-Class coupe in AMG Line launched in Malaysia

New E-Class coupe in AMG Line launched in Malaysia

There are new Multibeam LED headlights that are adaptive in function. Besides providing brighter and more natural illumination at night, the Adaptive Highbeam Assist Plus controls the LEDs by switching between low, partial main beam and main beam automatically for optimum coverage without dazzling oncoming drivers.

Exterior colours available for the E 300 AMG Line Coupe are Polar White, Obsidian Black, Rubellite Red, Graphite Grey, Mojave Silver, Brilliant Blue, High-tech Silver, Emerald Green and Selenite Grey. Also available are Designo Diamond White Bright and Designo Patagonia Red Metallic which will incur additional cost if specified.

New E-Class coupe in AMG Line launched in Malaysia

2021 Mercedes-Benz E 300 Coupe AMG Line

Only pillarless coupe in its class
The interior has a sporty feel combined with the luxury that an owner would expect. . The E-Class Coupe is the only pillarless coupe in its class, and each of the four occupants has a power window with a panoramic sunroof to bring in more light. Ambient lighting with up to 64 colours can create an atmosphere to match the mood, while an electric sunblind at the rear keeps out hot sun when necessary.

2021 Mercedes-Benz E 300 Coupe AMG Line

2021 Mercedes-Benz E 300 Coupe AMG Line

The right side of the dashboard is fitted with an entirely new, intelligent steering wheel. It is now a ‘high-tech command centre’, from which the driver not only steers the car but can also operate numerous systems for comfort and safety. The hands-off detection feature of the steering wheel now works on a capacitive basis, thereby enhancing user-friendliness when driving in semi-automated mode.

The other area from which the driver can manage other functions is the MBUX multimedia system. This is the latest generation of the system which has an intuitive control structure and large, high-resolution screens. Information  is presented on dual 12.3-inch displays to create a widescreen cockpit with a wide range of personalization. The control surfaces have a high-gloss black finish, while the trim elements and surrounds have a silver shadow finish.

2021 Mercedes-Benz E 300 Coupe AMG Line

Next-generation driving assistance systems
Mercedes-Benz continues to advance safety with its driving assistance systems. These provide cooperative support to the driver, pro-actively responding to dangerous situations if the driver does not do so in time.

While viewing of the new model at dealerships is not possible at this time due to restrictions, there is the Virtual Showroom where more information can be obtained and authorized dealers can be contacted.

New E-Class coupe in AMG Line launched in Malaysia

Updated Mercedes-Benz E-Class launched in Malaysia today, priced from RM326,943

As far back as 1928, Daimler-Benz was already providing factory-fitted cars with special protective features against gunshots and explosives, for customers who required such protection. Later on, Mercedes-Benz also developed specially protected variants of its models and among those who ordered one was the emperor of Japan.

Many politicians and heads of state followed the emperor’s example and as demand grew, the company broadened the selection models with special protection. Though the volume was not big, it justified the establishment of the M-B GUARD division to handle the development and production of such special models, more so as a level of secrecy was also needed.



First GUARD limousine with AWD
The latest model from this division is the S 680 GUARD 4MATIC, the first GUARD limousine with all-wheel drive (there are AWD SUVs in the GUARD range as well). Apart from its superlative qualities as a limousine, it meets the highest ballistic test level for civilian vehicles and is particularly resistant to explosive charges. It has been certified to meet the requirements of the highest civilian protection class and also meets the requirements of Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office.


Advanced dummies for testing
Details of testing are not released but during testing, the body and windows have been fired at by an assault rifle using armour-piercing ammunition. The S 680 GUARD 4MATIC achieved top scores in blast test on the roof, floor and sides. For the first time, the certification included tests with so-called biofidelic dummies. These are very sophisticated dummies with bone density and structure modelled on the human skeleton in every detail. Epoxy resin aluminium powder is used as a bone substitute, and webbing made of propylene is used as ligaments and tendons. The tissue and internal organs of the biofidelic dummy are made of silicone and acrylic. Thanks to the human-like structure, injuries are easily recognisable from the outside and allow more extensive evaluation.



Special equipment designed specifically for the model includes a fire extinguishing system with automatic triggering function and an emergency fresh air system that protects occupants from penetrating smoke or irritant gases and supplies fresh air. Other options include an extensive range of equipment for official authorities such as a siren, flashing lights and radios, as well as a panic alarm system. However, optional extras available for the standard car which contradict the protective purpose (such as a sliding sunroof) are not available.

Although the doors are very heavy due to their armouring, the electro-mechanical system is designed to keep operating forces low when opening and closing. This applies not only on level ground, but also when the car is on a slope. There is also a lot of intelligence in the hydraulically (instead of electrically) operated window lifters. Even if the on-board power supply fails, emergency operation is possible, ie closing in the event of an attempted attack. In each door, there is a corresponding unit consisting of a compressor and valve block together with a pressure accumulator.



V12 engine with 612 bhp/812 Nm
As for the powertrain, the V12 biturbo engine has already been extensively revised for the new S-Class generation. It has an output of 612 bhp/830 Nm which is distributed to all four wheels. Due to the higher vehicle weight, the AWD system of the GUARD version has stronger side shafts. The Michelin PAX run-flat tyres are standard and can be used for a distance of 30 kms after losing all air pressure.

“The S 680 GUARD 4MATIC is one of the most customer-oriented products from Mercedes-Benz. That is because this special protection model focuses on people and their safety,” said Dirk Fetzer, Head of Product Management S-Class. “No other series-produced saloon fulfils the highest protection class for civilian vehicles quite as comprehensively. And, at the same time, quality and durability are at series standard, thanks to extensive development and testing activities. The new special protection version ‘protects what matters’.”


M-B Guard – offering protection of a different kind for more than 90 years

With over 14 million units sold since 1946, the E-Class is the bestselling model line for Mercedes-Benz. The current W213 generation was launched in 2017 and the facelift which the factory released last year is now available in Malaysia in two variants – E 300 AMG Line and E 200 Avantgarde.

Their prices (excluding insurance) start from RM326,943.19 for the E 200 and RM375,432.19 for the E 300. As both cars are assembled in Malaysia, they are exempted from sales tax until December 31, 2021.

Updated Mercedes-Benz E-Class launched in Malaysia today

Updated Mercedes-Benz E-Class launched in Malaysia today

The cosmetic changes
For the E 200, the Avantgarde package includes a slim new grille design while the surface of the bonnet has a more pronounced bulge – often called a ‘power dome’ – to provide a visual suggestion of the power of the engine underneath. There are also new high-performance headlamps and tail lights using LEDs.

2021 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

2021 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

Updated Mercedes-Benz E-Class launched in Malaysia today

Besides the power dome, the AMG Line on the E 300 has a new bumper styled by AMG, with the familiar grille that has visual depth. The MULTIBEAM LED headlamps now include ULTRA RANGE high beams for stronger illumination. Like the E 200, the rear lamp unit are also revised.

For the E 200, the standard alloy wheels are 18 inches in diameter with a 5-twin spoke design. The E 300 gets 19-inch wheels with an AMG-styled 5-twin-spoke design. New paint colours are available for the latest models – Grey Metallic and a High-Tech Silver finish.

Updated Mercedes-Benz E-Class launched in Malaysia today

Two engine outputs
Both variants use the same 2-litre 4-cylinder petrol engine (M264) with turbocharging, but with different tuning levels to give different outputs. The E 200 engine is tuned to deliver 197 ps/320 Nm, while the E 300 has output boosted to 258 ps/370 Nm. The difference in outputs enable the E 300 to go from 0 to 100 km/h 1.2 seconds quicker (6.4 seconds) than the E 200 and also reach a top speed 10 km/h faster (250 km/h). The E-Class continues to have rear-wheel drive, of course, with power delivery going through a 9G-TRONIC 9-speed automatic transmission.

The interior of the latest E-Class has the new multifunction steering wheel wrapped in genuine leather.  The control surfaces sport a high-gloss black finish while the trim elements and surrounds have a light longitudinal-grain aluminium trim in the E 200 Avantgarde, and open-pore black ash wood trim on the E 300 AMG Line.

Updated Mercedes-Benz E-Class launched in Malaysia today

New operating principle for display
The instrument cluster and media display are controlled by swiping along the Touch Control buttons. The operating principle of the Touch Control buttons has changed from optical to capacitive which means a mechanical system is no longer needed.

The design of the front seats offers strong lateral support with pronounced side bolsters> Depending on the variant, the centre section has sporty transverse or modern longitudinal seams. The colours of the centre sections of the seat backrest and cushion are matched to the overall form of the seats. For the E 200, the upholstery is ARTICO man-made leather while the E 300 has genuine leather.

Updated Mercedes-Benz E-Class launched in Malaysia today

The MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience) multimedia system displayed in the Widescreen Cockpit has two 12.3-inch displays. The information in the instrument cluster and on the media display is in high-resolution for maximum clarity.

Latest safety systems
A pioneer in automobile safety, it is only to be expected that the latest E-Class will come with the latest generation of driver assistance systems to enhance driving safety, particularly Active Safety. In some situations, automatic activation of certain systems such as the brakes will occur if the driver does not respond in time.

The hands-off recognition now works on a capacitive basis, enhancing user-friendliness when driving in semi-automated mode. Previously, to inform the assistance systems that the driver still has control of the E-Class, a slight steering movement was required but now, sensors on the rim of the steering wheel can detect if the driver is holding it.  If the system detects that the driver does not have their hands on the steering wheel for a certain time, a warning cascade is started, which finally activates Emergency Brake Assist if the driver continues to be inactive.

Updated Mercedes-Benz E-Class launched in Malaysia today

As standard, the E-Class comes with Active Brake Assist for autonomous emergency braking. As part of the Driving Assistance Package, this is now also possible when turning off across the oncoming lane.

Additionally, for the E 300, there is also Active Parking Assist with PARKTRONIC and a 360° camera view that makes it possible to enter and leave parking spaces automatically. The system facilitates the search for and selection of a parking space as well as entering and leaving (if the vehicle was parked automatically) parallel and end-on parking spaces or garages.

2021 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

For the first time, the new E-Class is able to recognize and use parking spaces which are only marked as areas on larger sites, for example. The 360° camera transmits an even more realistic image to the display, which includes an expanded side view. When leaving a parking space, the system is able to warn of traffic crossing behind the vehicle and can apply the brakes in case a vehicle approaches.

Protection against break-ins and theft
The URBAN GUARD Vehicle Protection package provides comprehensive protection of the car at all times when the owner is not using it. Sensors can detect movement within (when the system is activated) and there is also tow-away protection which is able to detect changes in position. In the event of a break-in, the battery-backed alarm will sound. The driver can also be notified of theft or parking damage detection through the Mercedes me app.

Tested: Mercedes-Benz C300 Sport Suspension – Good Buy or Good Bye?

Mercedes-Benz is getting ready to go all electric by the end of the decade – but only where market conditions allow. The carmaker, like a few others, understands that there will be some markets where electrification may not be sufficiently wide and conventionally powered vehicles will still be in demand.

Mercedes-Benz began in journey to electrification some years back and by 2022, it will have battery electric vehicles (BEV) in all segments which the brand competes in. From 2025 onwards, all newly launched vehicle architectures will be electric-only and customers will be able to choose an all-electric alternative for every model the company makes.

“The EV shift is picking up speed – especially in the luxury segment, where Mercedes-Benz belongs. The tipping point is getting closer and we will be ready as markets switch to electric-only by the end of this decade,” said Ola Kallenius, CEO of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG. “This step marks a profound reallocation of capital. By managing this faster transformation while safeguarding our profitability targets, we will ensure the enduring success of Mercedes-Benz. Thanks to our highly qualified and motivated workforce, I am convinced that we will be successful in this exciting new era.”

To facilitate this shift, Mercedes-Benz has a comprehensive plan which includes significantly accelerating R&D. In total, investments into battery electric vehicles between 2022 and 2030 will amount to over €40 billion. Accelerating and advancing the EV portfolio plan will bring forward the tipping point for EV adoption.

The Technology Plan
In 2025, Mercedes-Benz will launch three electric-only architectures – MB.EA, AMG.EA and VAN.EA. These will cover a broad spread of products, including those in the commercial vehicle sector. MB.EA will be for all medium to large size passenger cars, establishing a scalable modular system as the electric backbone for the future EV portfolio. AMG-EA, as the three letters hint, will be a dedicated performance electric vehicle platform, while VAN.EA will usher in a new era for purpose-made electric vans and Light Commercial Vehicles.

The eATS is the engine unit of electric vehicles. The eATS consists essentially of the three subsystems: an electric motor, its power electronics and the transmission part for power-transmission.

After reorganising its powertrain activities to put planning, development, purchasing and production under one roof, Mercedes-Benz will deepen the level of vertical integration in manufacturing and development, and insource electric drive technology. In-house electric motors, such as the eATS 2.0, are a key part of the strategy with a clear focus on efficiency and the overall cost of the entire system. China, the world’s largest new energy vehicle market, which is home to hundreds of companies and suppliers specialized in EV components and software technologies, is expected to play a key role in accelerating the Mercedes-Benz electrification strategy.

Ensuring supply of batteries
To ensure that there will be an assured supply of batteries, Mercedes-Benz will need a battery capacity of more than 200 Gigawatt hours. This calls for setting up 8 Gigafactories for producing battery cells, and is in addition to the already planned network of 9 plants dedicated to building battery systems.

Battery production is a very important part of electrification since batteries are needed in every vehicle. Mercedes-Benz has already established a network of battery production sites around the world, with the one in Thailand (below) having started operations in 2019.

Mercedes-Benz battery pack production in Thailand

Next-generation batteries will be highly standardized and suitable for use in more than 90% of all Mercedes-Benz cars and vans while being flexible enough to offer individual solutions to all customers. Cell production will give Mercedes-Benz the opportunity to transform its established powertrain production network. By continuously integrating the most advanced battery cell technology in cars and vans, Mercedes-Benz aims to increase range during the production lifecycle of a model.

The recharging network
For EV owners, the issue of recharging is an important one and unless they can be assured of a convenient and widespread network, switching to an EV will not be readily considered. In this area, Mercedes-Benz is also working on setting new standards in charging that will allow customers to plug-in, charge and unplug without extra steps needed for authentication and payment processing.

As for networks, Mercedes me Charge is already one of the world’s largest charging networks and currently has more than 530,000 AC and DC charging points worldwide. Mercedes-Benz is also working with Shell on expanding the charging network which will have over 30.000 charge points by 2025 in Europe, China, and North America.

Mercedes-EQ EQS – the first luxury EV limousine

It is no secret that the Mercedes-Benz C-Class is due for an upgrade very soon. The W205 generation C-Class has been around since 2014 and has been a sales success.

The class leading (till the F30 3-Series arrived) C-Class appealed to just about any age group while the AMG Series (C43 and C63) were in a class of their own, in Malaysia at least.

When wheel-to-wheel against the likes of the BMW F30 and the Audi B8, the C-Class stood out as the almost perfect convergence of all that was needed in an executive sedan. Of course, the BMW did ultimately prove to be the better car, but that’s a different story.

Enter the C300, the top of the line model in the none AMG line up.

Priced at RM291,800, it was perfect for those who did not want to dish out some crazy money for an AMG, and yet didn’t want the savings the Hybrid offered. Because you know, Mercedes hybrids haven’t been too well received despite their incredible specifications and fuel savings they offered.

The C300 sold well, it offered a spirited engine in the form of a 2.0-litre, turbocharged unit that puts out 258 hp and 350 Nm of torque.

Decent enough if you ask me, and it also makes a rather pleasing sound during acceleration. Almost sports car-ish.

It has quite a character and the slick shifting 9-speed gearbox too added to the sporting character of the car.

The interior has always been a decent place to be in though I cannot for the life of me accept the plastic feel of the ash wood trimming. It simply feels too cheap for a Mercedes-Benz, entry level sedan or not.

I do however love the Burmester sound system, not only looks great but sounds fantastic as well, and truly makes the interior a nice place to be in.

The C300 has generally done well and towards the end of 2020, Mercedes-Benz Malaysia introduced an update that took away the adaptive suspensions and replaced it with regular coil overs.

The level headed amongst us wouldn’t mind that as adaptive suspensions can be extremely expensive to maintain over the long run. There are instances where owners simply prefer to have the air suspension replaced with coil overs instead of opting for the original.

But the techies who like every possible feature a car can offer will undoubtedly cry foul.

So this then begs the question, is that really a problem?

The short answer is, no. And the long answer: it is not a problem because it is already good enough to begin with.

The suspension is identical to the one in the C200, which in the past has been criticised for being too stiff and too uncomfortable for an executive sedan.

As such, a sporty nature is already well-ingrained into this C300, it feels steady in corners though there is some hefty body roll when pushed a little further. The powertrain and suspension pairing is great, but not quite as spot on as the previous model.

But that also means there is a compromise on comfort. And there is no place where this is most evident than on uneven roads, badly patched surfaces and of course, speed humps that appear out of no where. And our Malaysian roads are full of such surprises, so in reality, the Mercedes-Benz C300 is not a very comfortable car.

And that is what the adaptive suspension has helped to iron that out at the push of a button to select Comfort mode – which would then do as its namesake and absorb bad roads.

But even then, the previous C300 never really did a phenomenal job at that, it was just marginally more comfortable than now.

So which means, that the tradeoff is worth it, and the omission of that suspension saves you about RM15,000.

Yes, there is no doubt that a new C-Class is just around the corner, but if you are not the type that needs to have the latest, then this C300 is undoubtedly a great buy if you can look past the suspension. It’s saving grace is its engine and all that power it produces – it’s no AMG, but it’s still a lot of fun.

The Mercedes-Benz EQ brand continues to grow each year with the addition of new all-electric models every year. In time, besides the sedans and SUVs we have already seen, there will be other model types just like the range for models with combustion engines. Next to come will be a small van and its appearance is shown in the Concept EQT.

New T-Class
This is a near-production concept vehicle that will be the first premium vehicle in the small van segment which Mercedes-Benz has designated the new T-Class as its representative. Besides the electric variant, there will also be other variants with combustion powertrains. While this new class has nothing to do with the old ‘T’ models that were stationwagons, it does offer storage versatility.

2021 Mercedes-Benz Concept EQT

“We are expanding our portfolio in the small van segment with the forthcoming T-Class. It will appeal to families and all those private customers, whatever their age, who enjoy leisure activities and need a lot of space and maximum variability without forgoing comfort and style. The T-Class provides them with an attractive introduction into the world of Mercedes-Benz. And as the Concept EQT shows, we are consistently implementing our claim to leadership in electromobility and will also be offering a fully electric model in this segment in the future,” said Marcus Breitschwerdt, Head of Mercedes-Benz Vans.

2021 Mercedes-Benz Concept EQT

EQ design DNA
The Concept EQT will be immediately recognisable as a member of the Mercedes-EQ family with the characteristic black panel front and LED front headlights that flows seamlessly from the bonnet and gleams with a star pattern. The different-sized stars with a 3D effect are featured throughout the vehicle exterior.

Explaining the design, Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer Daimler Group, said the Concept EQT is a new, holistic van with the Design DNA of ‘Sensual Purity’. “Sensuous shapes, elegant trims and sustainable materials show that this van clearly belongs to our Mercedes-EQ family,” he said.

2021 Mercedes-Benz Concept EQT

The interior space, which can accommodate 7 persons, is characterised by an elegant contrast of black and white. The seats are upholstered in white nappa leather and the plaited leather applications on the seat centre panel comprise recycled leather.

The instrument panel in a sensual design is also particularly eye-catching. The upper section is shaped like a wing profile with the appearance of a seashore pebble and fuses dynamically with the instrument cluster. Round air vents in high-gloss black, galvanised trim elements and the multifunction steering wheel with Touch Control buttons underline the high quality, modern appearance.

2021 Mercedes-Benz Concept EQT

Intuitive, self-teaching MBUX
Like every new Mercedes-Benz model, the MBUX infotainment system (Mercedes-Benz User Experience) is present. The system can be conveniently operated using the free-standing central display with touch function, the touch control buttons on the steering wheel and the ‘Hey Mercedes’ voice assistant. It has the ability to ‘learn’, thanks to artificial intelligence. MBUX will be able to anticipate what the driver would like to do next with the help of predictive functions. For instance, if someone regularly calls a certain person on Fridays on the way home, the system will suggest their telephone number on the display on this day of the week.

2021 Mercedes-Benz Concept EQT

In the high-resolution infotainment system media display, the EQ tile in the main menu serves as a central point of access to the specific displays and settings. These include the charging current, departure time, energy flow and consumption histogram. The media display can also be used to operate the navigation as well as the driving modes. On the move, it will display charging stations, the electric range and optimized route planning taking into account the charge level, weather or the traffic situation.

2021 Mercedes-Benz Concept EQT

Maximum variability and functionality
The Concept EQT, which has an overall length of 4945 mm (22 mm longer than an E-Class sedan), has sliding doors on both sides. The openings have been made as wide as possible so that both full-sized individual seats in the third row can be reached without difficulty. If more space is required, the third-row seats can be folded or removed completely, leaving sufficient space for a pram, a transport box for dogs and other leisure equipment.

The vehicle’s elegant bottle design which tapers from the front to the rear makes the vehicle appear longer. The steeply sloping rear with a comfortable, vertical tailgate and window provides for a particularly spacious load compartment. A panoramic roof with a starscape lasered into it floods the interior with light.

2021 Mercedes-Benz Concept EQT

An interesting feature in the concept vehicle is an electric longboard integrated into the load compartment. It is stored in a double-floor compartment beneath a plexiglass lid fitted in an aluminium frame and flush with the load compartment floor. The electric longboard is also made of aluminium and features a star pattern, giving it a particularly stylish look.

The new T-Class will be launched in 2022 and join the commercially-positioned Citan which will celebrate its premiere this year including a fully electric variant. The fully electric version for private customers will follow later.

2021 Mercedes-Benz Concept EQT

Mercedes-EQ EQS – the first luxury EV limousine

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