Shopping online is commonplace these days and during the lockdown periods of the past two years, many companies stepped up their online business activities as their physical retail outlets were forced to close. While there was already a trend starting towards increased online stores selling by car companies, the pandemic accelerated things in order for brands to remain accessible to customers.
Today, virtually every brand has an online showroom which mainly provides information on the latest models and if a customer is ready to make a purchase, the process can be started online as well. However, in some countries, physical presence is still required to complete the transaction as documents need to be officially signed.
Now Fiat has come out with what it says is the world’s first metaverse-powered store, taking the digital experience to a more advanced level. Starting off in Italy, the Fiat Metaverse Store provides a more sophisticated ‘shopping experience’ and there’s a real FIAT expert – called a FIAT Product Genius – on hand to answer questions.