
One Meter Long King Cobra Found in Proton Saga Engine Bay

The Fire and Rescue Department responded swiftly to an unusual and potentially dangerous situation, rescuing a woman who discovered a King Cobra in her car engine. The incident took place at the PDRM Apartments in Sabah.

Details of the Incident

Location and Initial Report: The department received a call indicating that a King Cobra, approximately one meter long, had made its way into the engine compartment of a Proton Saga. The report came from the PDRM Apartments, where the car was parked.

Discovery: The car owner was alerted to the presence of the snake by a neighbour. The neighbour had witnessed the snake slithering into the vehicle earlier in the day, prompting them to notify the car owner.

Response and Action: A specialised team from the Fire and Rescue Department was dispatched immediately to the scene. Upon arrival, the team assessed the situation and located the snake in the engine compartment. Using specialised equipment designed for handling snakes, the team carefully captured the King Cobra, ensuring no harm came to either the snake or the vehicle.

Resolution and Safety Measures

Safe Removal: The Fire and Rescue Department’s team expertly handled the snake, demonstrating their training and preparedness for such incidents. The King Cobra was safely removed from the engine compartment without any incidents.

Release: After capturing the snake, the team transported it to a forested area far from any residential zones. This measure ensured the safety of the community and allowed the snake to be released back into its natural habitat.

Statement from the Fire and Rescue Department

A spokesperson for the Fire and Rescue Department provided details about the operation. “The report indicated a King Cobra snake was located in the engine compartment of a Proton Saga car, approximately 1 meter long at the PDRM Apartments here. The team from the fire department captured the snake using special equipment and subsequently released the King Cobra in a forest area far from the residential zones,” the statement read.

The spokesperson also highlighted the importance of community vigilance and quick reporting in such situations. The neighbour’s quick action in informing the car owner and the subsequent prompt response by the Fire and Rescue Department were crucial in ensuring the safe resolution of the incident.

Community Reaction and Safety Tips

The incident has raised awareness about the presence of wildlife in urban areas and the importance of being vigilant. Residents are advised to be cautious and report any sightings of potentially dangerous wildlife to the authorities immediately.

The Fire and Rescue Department also provided some safety tips for residents:

  • Always check your surroundings, especially if you live near wooded areas or parks.
  • Keep your car doors and windows closed when parked outside to prevent animals from entering.
  • If you encounter a snake or any other wildlife in your home or vehicle, do not attempt to handle it yourself. Contact the local fire department or wildlife rescue services for assistance.

The swift and effective response by the Fire and Rescue Department ensured the safety of the car owner and the community. The incident highlights the importance of preparedness and community cooperation in dealing with wildlife encounters in urban settings.

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