
Foreign Vehicles Required to Register for VEP Starting October, Singaporean Cars Targeted

The Malaysian government is set to enforce the Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) for foreign vehicles, particularly from Singapore, starting October 1. Transport Minister Anthony Loke has emphasised the government’s firm stance on this decision, highlighting the importance of compliance with Malaysian road laws for all foreign drivers.

Key Points of the VEP Implementation:

  1. Strict Enforcement:
    • The VEP will be mandatory from October 1, with no changes or delays to this enforcement date.
    • Foreign drivers, especially from Singapore, must comply with Malaysian road regulations.
  2. Compliance Expectations:
    • Singaporean drivers entering Malaysia are expected to adhere to the same legal standards that Malaysian drivers must follow when entering Singapore.
    • Foreign drivers must pay any fines for traffic violations before leaving Malaysia.
  3. Tracking and Enforcement:
    • Currently, without the VEP, there is no effective method to track foreign vehicles and enforce traffic laws.
    • The VEP will enable Malaysian authorities to monitor foreign vehicles and ensure payment of fines for any traffic violations.
  4. Entry Points for VEP Enforcement:
    • Sultan Iskandar Building (BSI) at Johor Causeway.
    • Sultan Abu Bakar Building at Malaysia-Singapore Second Link.

Official Statement from Transport Minister Anthony Loke:

  • “There will be no U-turn; it will be enforced from October 1. The message is very clear. I hope Singaporean drivers entering Malaysia understand that we welcome them, but they must adhere to our laws.”
  • “Just like when Malaysian cars enter Singapore, we must comply with their rules and laws. Therefore, Singaporean drivers should follow the same.”
  • “If you enter and drive fast, you must pay the fines. Some of them have many outstanding fines. Currently, without the VEP, there is no way for us to track them and enforce the law.”
  • “Once the VEP is in place, any foreign vehicle entering Malaysia that violates the law will need to pay fines before leaving the country.”

The enforcement of the VEP aims to ensure full compliance with Malaysian road regulations and address issues related to traffic violations by foreign vehicles.

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