
BMW: First Carmaker to Receive Approval for a Combination of Level 2 and Level 3 Driving Assistance Systems

BMW has achieved a significant milestone in the field of automated driving by becoming the first carmaker to receive approval for a combination of Level 2 and Level 3 driving assistance systems within a single vehicle. The new BMW 7 Series offers the BMW Highway Assistant (Level 2) and BMW Personal Pilot L3 (Level 3), enhancing the driving experience by providing greater comfort and safety.

BMW Highway Assistant (Level 2)

Key Features:

  • Enhanced Long-Distance Comfort: Operates at speeds up to 130km/h, designed for motorways with structurally separated carriageways.
  • Hands-Free Operation: Allows the driver to take their hands off the steering wheel for extended periods, provided they remain attentive to the road and can retake control if needed.
  • Active Lane Change Assistant: Enables lane changes without the driver touching the steering wheel. The system performs the necessary steering movements and adjusts vehicle speed when safe. Drivers can initiate lane changes by simply looking at the exterior mirror.

BMW Personal Pilot L3 (Level 3)

Key Features:

  • High Automation in Traffic Jams: Operates at speeds up to 60km/h, allowing the driver to fully delegate driving tasks in specific situations, such as traffic jams on motorways.
  • In-Car Activities: Drivers can take their hands off the wheel and focus on other activities like making phone calls, reading, working, or streaming videos, while the car takes over driving.
  • Driver Preparedness: Drivers must be ready to reassume control when prompted, especially in scenarios like roadworks.

Benefits and Availability

Combined Functionality: The integration of these systems offers a comprehensive set of functionalities, ensuring a more comfortable and relaxing drive on both long and short journeys. This combination sets new standards in the automotive industry, demonstrating BMW’s commitment to innovation, safety, and customer satisfaction.

Availability and Cost: The BMW Highway Assistant and Driving Assistant Professional are part of the optional BMW Personal Pilot L3 package, available exclusively in Germany for €6,000 (RM30,298). For cars already equipped with the BMW Personal Pilot L3, the Highway Assistant functionality will be available as a free update from August 2024.

This pioneering effort by BMW highlights the ongoing evolution of automated driving technologies and sets a benchmark for other manufacturers aiming to enhance driver comfort and safety through advanced assistance systems.

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