
JPJ Officer Faces Charges of Bribery Totalling RM3,300

Saibullah Zaid Abdul Halim, a 46-year-old assistant enforcement officer at the Penang Road Transport Department (JPJ), has found himself entangled in legal proceedings following allegations of corruption as reported by The Star. The charges against Saibullah, who resides in Sungai Jawi, Penang, were brought forth before Sessions Court judge Datuk Ibrahim Osman today, where he entered a plea of not guilty.

Accusations suggest that Saibullah accepted bribes totalling RM3,300, as per charges filed under Section 165 of the Penal Code. These alleged bribes were purportedly received from Badrul Hisyam Hamid, a director at a transportation company, via bank transfers from an account belonging to Fatimah Abdullah into the account of Saibullah’s wife, Hazirah Ismail. The transactions in question reportedly occurred between October 4, 2017, and March 29, 2018.

If convicted, Saibullah could potentially face severe consequences, including a maximum sentence of two years in jail, a monetary fine, or a combination of both penalties.

During the court proceedings, Saibullah’s defence attorney, Mohamed Firdaus M. Farouk, advocated for a bail reduction, emphasising Saibullah’s status as the primary provider for his family. He is married and has three children, aged 21, 19, and 15. The defence further underscored Saibullah’s lengthy tenure of 15 years with the JPJ and the potential ramifications of suspension, which would entail a loss of income.

In response, Judge Ibrahim deliberated and ultimately set bail at RM8,000 for all five charges. The next mention of the case is scheduled for August 16.

The charges against Saibullah underscore the seriousness with which corruption allegations are treated within Malaysia’s legal system. The outcome of this case will undoubtedly have implications not only for Saibullah but also for perceptions of integrity and accountability within the Penang Road Transport Department.

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