
Applications for BUDI MADANI Subsidy Open Tomorrow – For Diesel Vehicle Owners and Farmers

Applications for the Bantuan Subsidi MADANI (BUDI MADANI) Program, targeting private diesel vehicle owners, small-scale farmers, and commodity planters, will commence tomorrow.

Under this program, eligible recipients will receive monthly assistance of RM200, aligning with the diesel subsidy implementation.

Senator Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan, the Second Finance Minister, clarified that private diesel vehicle owners meeting specific criteria can apply under the BUDI Individual category. On the other hand, small-scale farmers and commodity planters are eligible to apply under the BUDI Agri-Commodity category.

To qualify for the BUDI Individual category, applicants must be Malaysian citizens who own registered private diesel vehicles with valid road tax. These vehicles should not be classified as luxury vehicles and must be under 10 years old. Additionally, the individual or their spouse’s annual income should not exceed RM100,000.

Applications can be made at https://budimadani.gov.my.

Fuelled by cigarettes, coffee, the smell of petrol and 90's rock music

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