
50% Reduction in Traffic Summonses under MADANI One-Year Program

The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) is set to implement a substantial reduction of up to 50 per cent in traffic summonses as part of the MADANI One-Year Program. The program is scheduled to take place from December 8 to 10 at the National Stadium Bukit Jalil grounds.

According to Bernama, Datuk Mohd Azman Ahmad Sapri, the Director of Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department Bukit Aman, clarified that the reduced summonses will not apply to certain traffic offences for the year 2023. These exceptions include accident summonses, court cases with arrest warrants or still in trial, and offences that cannot be compounded.

According to Sapri, individuals can make payments for summonses exclusively at the inspection and traffic summons payment counters at the National Stadium Bukit Jalil grounds.

The payment counters will be operational from 9 am to 4 pm on December 8 (Friday) and from 9 am to 6 pm on December 9 and 10 (Saturday and Sunday). He emphasised the importance of checking summonses early through the MyBayar PDRM portal and application to streamline the payment process and avoid congestion at the payment counters.

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