Touch ‘n Go, a key player in RFID technology in Malaysia, is addressing a recent misconception about RFID tags having an expiry date. While debunking this misconception, the company emphasised a different aspect—RFID tags, unlike traditional smart tags, may experience wear and tear over time.
Contrary to the false information suggesting an expiry date, Touch ‘n Go clarified that RFID tags issued by the company do not have a predetermined expiration. Instead, the focus was on a recent campaign aimed at pilot users, participants in the initial RFID pilot program launched in 2018. This campaign offered these users the opportunity to refresh their RFID tags, particularly if wear and tear had occurred, through a special promotion.
One key point emphasised by Touch ‘n Go is the wear and tear issue that RFID tags may encounter over time. Unlike traditional smart tags that only require battery replacement, RFID tags may need replacement due to physical wear. To address this concern, the company encouraged pilot users to take advantage of the special promotion and replace their RFID tags for enhanced performance.
Touch ‘n Go outlined the process for pilot users who opted to purchase a new RFID tag through the promotion. In this case, the old pilot RFID tag would be deregistered by January 31, 2024, ensuring a seamless transition to the new tag and preventing the registration of multiple tags to a single vehicle.
However, for pilot users who chose not to participate in the promotion, Touch ‘n Go clarified that their existing pilot RFID tags would remain active and registered to their vehicles. The company’s message aims to underscore the importance of addressing wear and tear issues with RFID tags while reassuring users about the continued functionality of their existing tags.