
UMW Toyota Motor broadens initiatives to help flood victims in Selangor

Following up on its immediate response to the floods in Selangor recently, UMW Toyota Motor is now going further with its flood relief initiatives to provide more meaningful assistance. This is being done through dispatching staff volunteers, using its Shah Alam facility as a flood ‘Command Centre’, and donating basic household necessities to victims.

In fact, even on December 24, UMW Toyota Motor staff started going to affected areas, many of which are in the areas surrounding its head office complex and assembly plants. The volunteers helped with the cleaning of homes, among other activities.

Supported by Raja Muda of Selangor Foundation
This initiative was also supported by the Raja Muda of Selangor Foundation in providing guidance and support on the mechanics to ensure smooth management of the situation. The company said that its volunteers will continue this assistance for as long as it is needed, where and when possible.

Flood ‘Command Centre’ for future use too
The flood ‘Command Centre’ established at the UMW Toyota Motor headquarters will also function as a soup kitchen and relief distribution centre for victims in the event of a similar phenomenon in the future. Additionally, up to 100 parking spaces in the compound will be allocated in such situations for flood victims to park their vehicles safely. This will be on a first come-first served basis for any make of vehicle, and the owners will only have to sign an indemnity form.

“UMW Toyota Motor stands in solidarity with the community. Malaysians have been going through an extremely challenging period due to the flood and we want to do what we can to provide some relief. We express our sincerest sympathies to all the victims and families affected and we hope that our initiatives will be of some help,” said President of UMW Toyota Motor, Ravindran K.

“We were also inspired and moved by the compassion of the many Malaysians who have volunteered to help out their fellow countrymen, including our group of staff volunteers. We realised that response and relief efforts were slow to take place. Hence, we decided that even for future, we will immediately convert our Shah Alam facility into a flood ‘Command Centre’ to provide kind-hearted Malaysians a safe place to deliver and sort out the relief items before distributing to the surrounding temporary evacuation centres,” he added.

Besides the clean-up exercises, UMW Toyota Motor has also distributed basic household necessities including stoves, fans and kettles to affected households in hopes to alleviate some of their burden.

“We would like to take this opportunity to convey our heartfelt gratitude towards our suppliers,  namely the Toyota Suppliers Club Malaysia, DENSO Malaysia, Toyota Tsusho and Sime Kansai for stepping up and providing financial support to our endeavours. Their contributions were used to buy household appliances and other necessities to be given as aid to the flood victims,” Mr. Ravindran said.

In addition to giving aid to the local communities, UMW Toyota Motor is also providing assistance to its own workforce affected by the flood. These include repairs for personal vehicles owned by employees, financial aid as well as distribution of basic household necessities.

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