
PLUS headquarters selected as Integrated Public Vaccination Centre

Getting as much of the population vaccinated to help reduce the severity of COVID-19 infection is a priority. The effort is being carried out by the government as well as the private sector, which is providing areas to set up vaccination centres. One such company is PLUS Malaysia Berhad which has established an Integrated Public Vaccination Centre (PPV).

The IPVC has been set up in partnership with its medical advisory partner, Primer Cherang, together with Protech Health, the implementer of private medical practitioner and healthcare NGO participation in the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK). The IPVC is at the PLUS HQ  situated near the Subang exit off the New Klang Valley Expressway (NKVE) in Selangor. The facility can inoculate up to 2,000 persons per day.

PLUS Integrated Public Vaccination Centre (IPVC)

One of 14 public immunisation venues

The COVID-19 Immunization Task Force (CITF) has selected the PLUS HQ as one of the 14 public immunisation venues to accelerate the dispensing of vaccines through Operation Surge Capacity. This will ensure that all adults will receive at least one dose of the vaccine by August 1 and help flatten the infection curve.

“As of Sunday, July 25, PICK has reported that over 16 million doses comprising first and second doses have been administered, of which11.5 million of our population has received their first dose and over 5.4 million are fully vaccinated with two doses. Based on this data, PLUS is proud to be able to play its part in helping the country to ramp up its immunisation numbers. The sooner we are able to attain the target to allow us to enter Phase 4 of the National Recovery Plan, the sooner the economy can improve, and businesses can revive,” said Datuk Azman Ismail, Managing Director of PLUS.

PLUS Integrated Public Vaccination Centre (IPVC)

“I urge you to regularly check your MySejahtera updates and who knows, you may be visiting our Persada PLUS HQ soon. In the meantime, continue to adhere to SOPS if you must be out and about;  if not, it would be best to work from home where possible until you are fully inoculated. Hopefully by then, as the government has indicated, you may get to travel on our highways again,” he added.

The participation also provides the opportunity for the employees of PLUS to be part of something meaningful and historical. Warga PLUS will join as volunteers and assist the 150 health personnel from Primer Cherang and Protect Health.

PLUS Integrated Public Vaccination Centre (IPVC)

The National Vaccination Program in Malaysia is free of charge.


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