
Malaysia – third highest ASEAN country with road traffic deaths

According to the latest findings from the WHO Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018, Malaysia ranks third on the list with the highest number of road traffic deaths amongst other countries in the ASEAN and Asia region back in 2016.

Placing on podium in this case behind Thailand and Vietnam (which placed first and second respectively) is not something to shout about but definitely a huge concern that needs to be addressed.

With Malaysia considered as a developing nation, the fatality rates are not getting any better and can be somewhat compared to mortality rates present in some African countries. All other developing countries has dropped to single digits whereas Malaysia sits at 23.6 road-related deaths per 100,000 of the population.

Breaking the Global Status Report on Road Safety down, a total of 7,152 deaths were recorded in Malaysia back in 2016 where 87% were males and only 13% females. There are my reasons stated as contributing factors to this staggering number like:

  • 91% of motorcycle riders wore helmets, 87% for pillions
  • No restriction of the number of children passengers on motorcycles
  • Only 74% of car users wear seat belts, 10% for rear seat belts
  • No proper trauma or emergency care systems

The WHO report also determined that half of all road traffic deaths are motorcyclists. 89% of the total number are riders aged between 16-20 years old. Only 75% of all motorcyclists wear proper safety helmets, not inclusive other safety riding gear like riding jackets, gloves, and boots.

Image credit: Free Malaysia Today

These grim findings are not without hope, ladies and gentlemen. Road accidents can be easily predicted and preventable when taken all the necessary steps. Companies like Bosch AA who just launched the ‘Drive for Life’ road safety campaign urged everyone to ensure that their vehicles are in tip top condition before every drive.

Other measures are things that don’t really need to be mentioned (because they’re more like general knowledge) but we’ll just list them down again just in case.

  • Drive at reasonable speed according to the speed limit
  • Strap on those seat belts (both front and back)
  • Use child car seats (the ones made by Perodua is currently on sale right now)
  • Do not use your phone while driving (even hands-free increases risk of accident)
  • Do not drive when under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Let’s take care of each other and make Malaysian roads a better place to drive. You don’t want to risk your life and the lives of others, and you definitely don’t want to be part of these statistics. Drive safe, drive smart, save lives.

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